hydride, is an inorganic compound, chemical formula for NAHS, yellow
sheet and liquid, soluble in water and alcohol, in the dye industry for
the synthesis of organic intermediates and preparation of sulfide dye
additives, peeling and tanning in tanning industry, in fertilizer
industry for the removal of activated carbon desulfurization agent
monomer sulfur, in the mining industry in copper processing, in
artificial fiber production for sulfite dyeing, etc.
Dye industry is used for the synthesis of organic body and the
preparation of sulfide dye additives leather industry, skin, hair
removal, tanning and wastewater treatment.
Chemical fertilizer industry is used in stripping activated carbon
desulfurizer monomer sulfur to make ammonium sulfide and pesticide
ethylene thiol semi-finished raw material mining
3. Industry is widely used in man-made fiber production and sulfite acid staining in copper mineral processing.
Industrial wastewater treatment